Information and Technology are the main driving forces of innovation, R&D, and the economy. Technology-based applications house both the potential to improve the operations and security of IT and information systems, and the threat to disrupt such infrastructures.
For instance, AI-based privacy enhancement and security applications are available on the market, on the other hand, AI is exploited by Cyber criminals to override conventional security measures. Thus, a company providing services in these fields has no other option but to constantly research, de velop and utilize such technologies.
Kerubiel is one such organization which focuses strongly on R&D and innovative solutions. It is a small but ambitious company primarily operating in Hungary. László Dellei is the CEO of Kerubiel. He is an expert in GDPR, Security, Cyber Security, Information Security, including IT Security Go vernance, InfoSec, and IT Audit, Digital Forensic, IT Service Management.
Protection against all Threats
Kerubiel focuses services concerning IT, information security, data protection, and related areas. It provides state of the art IT audits and information security counseling (e.g. IT risk assessment, IT security counseling), de velops complex Cybersecurity systems based on ITIL and AI applications, and advises its clients on business continuity and disaster reco very plans. In so doing, Kerubiel utilizes IT standards, such as the ISO 27000 and the NIST 800-53 controls assessment.
On the other hand, the company provides services in the field of data processing and data go vernance. In this respect, Kerubiel’s goal is to offers state of the art solutions concerning GDPR compliance and to ensure that its clients are protected against all threats and unwanted incidents. Kerubiel provides complex counseling on data security measures based on GAP assessments, outsourced activities (DPO or CISO services) and other services, such as training and education. Thus, data protection can be a fourth line of defense.
Beside these activities, Kerubiel strives to be a vivid and innovative scientific community. The company is participating in various R&D projects focusing on emerging technologies, such as AI or VR. Furthermore, Kerubiel has joined the Hungarian AI Coalition and is a regular participant of its programs. One of the main successes of the Coalition was its contribution to the new Hungarian AI strategy.
AI and VR based Solutions
Kerubiel is proud of its so-called “threat hunting activities”. With the help of a de voted team, the company assesses the client’s the information and data management framework in order to recognize possible threats and discrepancies in its IT and information framework. The next step is to define measures and propose complex solutions that improve the confidentiality, integrity, and security of all information related infrastructure.
Besides the above-mentioned service, Kerubiel is specially engaged in the development of Industrial Control System specific Cyber Threat Intelligence tool systems. In 2019, one of its products has won the product development grand prize of IT Business Awards.
Finally, Kerubiel launched two projects aiming to utilize AI and VR based solutions. One project aims to simplify Cybersecurity utilizing a new AI-based solution. The other project is a VR based health application to provide help for patients recovering from stroke. Furthermore, Kerubiel is also developing a new IoT based solution for the orthodontic, in close cooperation with knowledge centers, such as the University of Pisa and the University of Malta, and British and Cyprian research centers.
Experienced and Expert IT Leadership
Mr. Dellei has a staggering 20-year experience in the field of software development, intelligence activities, IT, and information security. From the beginning of his career, his professional interest has been focused on IT and information security. He quickly became involved in various projects concerning these areas, yet he always tries to better himself, engaging in training and additional qualifications. In this respect, Mr. Dellei is an outstanding professional with a unique experience and expert knowledge. He believes that Innovation and adaptability are essential to make an impact on the world of business.
Notwithstanding these fact, Mr. Dellei realized that – due to technological and legal developments, these fields will become strongly linked with data protection and data security, and thus it is necessary for experts from these distinct, but interrelated fields to cooperate and work together. The turning point in his career was the adoption of the GDPR which made it evident that security and privacy go hand in hand. Thus, in 2017, Mr. Dellei has established Kerubiel.
Adapting to the Pandemic
When the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic hit Hungary, the main goal of Kerubiel was to find a way of operation which ensures both the continuation of its activities and the safety of the employees. Since the main services of the company may be provided via internet and other IT applications, Kerubiel in little time changed to online operations, allowing the employees to work safely from home.
On the other hand, Kerubiel has been tracking the most useful tools and applications that may help a company to adapt to the pandemic. Thus, the company was able to effectively advise its clients on how and what to utilize in order to continue their activities and services. A special consideration is given to Cybersecurity which has become a hot topic in recent month. As always, criminals are fast adapting to new technologies, thus everyone shall always be alert and vigilant.
Eye on New Developments
IT, information security and data protection are highly competitive markets where missing technological advancements means that the company is lagging behind other competitors. Lack of innovation might lead to the loss of clients and opportunities. Thus, keeping an eye on new developments and utilize such applications will definitely broaden the operation of the company and benefit of the clients.
Huge Potential
With its growing clientele, valuable connections with leading experts from various fields, and with the participation in national and international projects, the goal of the company is to make an impact on a regional level as well. The fresh, innovative, complex, and professional approach of Kerubiel holds the potential for the company to become one of the leading powerhouses in the CEE region.