A Prime Insights, a havonta megjelenő üzleti magazin, idén is megválasztotta az év cégvezetőjét. Gratulálunk Dellei Lászlónak, aki elnyerte a CEO of the Year 2020 megtisztelő címet!
A 2020. év nem volt könnyű egyik cég számára sem. A járványhelyzet váratlan akadályokat gördített a munkavégzés elé. A Kerubiel Kft. gyorsan és rugalmasan reagált a kihívásokra. Számos mesterséges intelligencia-alapú megoldást fejlesztett és kínált a cégek számára, életre hívta a Hungarian Cyber Security Aid (HCSA) kezdeményezést a kórházak támogatására és fáradhatatlanul dolgozott szolgáltatásai fejlesztésén és bővítésén.
“Akik megkeresnek minket, személyesen is megtapasztalhatják a Kerubiel alapelveit a gyakorlatban: rugalmasság, nyitottság és elkötelezettség az élethosszig tartó tanulás mellett. A technológiát a fejlődés olyan lehetőségének tekintjük, mely egyre hatékonyabbá tudja tenni saját szolgáltatásainkat éppúgy, mint ügyfeleink működését” – hangsúlyozta Dellei László.
A Kerubiel Kft. vezetője azt is kiemelte, hogy “a Kerubiel innovatív, friss, ugyanakkor precíz és szakmai hozzáállása lehetővé teszi, hogy Közép- és Kelet-Európa vezető fejlesztő és tanácsadó cégévé váljék.”
Keresse ön is szolgáltatásainkat! Szakembereink, tanácsadóink készséggel állnak rendelkezésére!
A teljes cikk angolul:
Kerubiel: Mr. Laszlo Dellei’s: Vision to Transform the Global Cybersecurity Scenario
In today’s digital age, companies across the globe are under constant threat from issues such as cyber hacking, phishing, and data theft. These cybersecurity dangers present numerous hindrances to the companies’ operations, as the customers’ database is at risk. Given the looming trend, every company must hire a reliable IT consulting firm to tackle these cybersecurity issues.
Kerubiel is a leading IT Consulting and solution provider firm that specializes in Information security, Data Privacy, ICTs, and Security. In addition to this, the company also offers special AI-based tailored solutions like AI-based claim management and financial solutions.
Over the years, Kerubiel has catered to the cybersecurity needs of dozens of clients across various industry sectors such as finance, insurance, healthcare, employment, etc. Some of the company’s clients have also been governmental organizations and start-ups.
The brand strives to continually improve and expand its services across all facets of cybersecurity.
Kerubiel’s Top-Notch Consulting Solutions
Based in Hungary, Kerubiel offers the most advanced, state-of-the-art cybersecurity systems that are developed as per different IT standards such as the NIST 800-53 and ISO 27000 controls assessment. The company also offers high-end Information Security Counselling services and IT Audits to its clients.
CEO of Kerubiel, Mr. Laszlo Dellei, feels that opting for just information security is not enough. The privacy and data security of the company are also equally important, in the initial stages after the application of GDPR.
“Complex and personalized solutions are necessary to be taken, as a corollary to information security. To this end, Kerubiel offers a wide range of services to ensure GDPR compliance such as counseling on data security measures based on GAP assessments, outsourced activities (DPO or CISO services), and training and education,” said Mr. Dellei.
Kerubiel has also joined the Hungarian AI Coalition and is an active participant in all its programs. By offering these services, the brand aims to establish an innovative scientific community.
Kerubiel’s Achievements and Noble Agendas
Over the years, Kerubiel has won numerous awards for its technological excellence and commitment to quality service. Some of its most notable achievements have been in recent years. In 2019, one of the company’s products won the Product Development grand prize of IT Business Awards.
On the development front, the company created its first Industrial Control System Specific Cyber Threat Intelligence Tool systems. It is also working on the development of an advanced orthodontic IoT-based solution. For this project, the company is working closely with knowledge centers like the University of Malta, the British and Cyprian Research centers, and the University of Pisa.
When it comes to giving back to society, Kerubiel has indulged in various social initiatives. The company is one of the leading supporters of the Hungarian DPO Ball, an annual event that provides data protection experts, officers, and the employees of the Hungarian Supervisory Authority a platform to discuss ideas.
The company also supported numerous initiatives that helped the people in need during the second wave of COVID-19 in Hungary.
Mr. Dellei’s Inspiring Entrepreneurship Journey
Founder and CEO of Kerubiel, Mr. Laszlo Dellei, since the beginning of his career, mainly dealt with IT and Information security issues. He advised his clients on IT Infrastructure protection and how to tackle possible cyberattack threats. As time went by, Mr. Dellei realized how his area of expertise organically merged with other fields like data protection.
Spurred on by his previous progress, Mr. Dellei joined hands with co-operating experts belonging from various fields, as a means to gain more relevant knowledge and skills. During this time, Mr. Dellei got the idea of launching a company that could provide counseling on IT and all related fields. And so, in 2017, Kerubiel was established with the intent of serving as a one-stop-shop for all consulting needs.
Mr. Dellei’s Noteworthy Laurels
Mr. Laszlo Dellei, the Founder and CEO of Kerubiel is one of the leading Information Security experts in Hungary and Worldwide as well. He is an active executive member of ISACA. In 2019, he was given the title of the GDPR envoy of ISACA HQ, and in 2020, he was regarded as the Privacy Spokesperson of the same.
Mr. Dellei is CISA, CGEIT, CRISC, CDPSE, C|CISO, and certified expert witness. He is also an ITSM and InfoSec professional with a multidisciplinary background.
In the last 20 years, he has led numerous successful Security and ITC projects, along with various assignments in the Financial sector. At present, he is pursuing his university studies from the ELTE Institute of Postgraduate Legal Studies to become a professional expert in Data Protection and Data Security.
How Mr. Dellei Keeps Pace with Changing Market Trends
For any business to survive in the market, it has to stay updated with the emerging market trends. With Kerubiel, Mr. Dellei tries to lead by example. He ensures that the company always provides solutions or applications that have been tried, tested, and utilized before. To achieve this, the company gathers knowledge about all the emerging trends consistently.
“Being prepared means being well-educated in any field that might be of relevance. Therefore, all employees are strongly encouraged and supported in their efforts to widen their knowledge or skills.” Mr. Dellei stated.
Mr. Dellei’s Take on Stereotypes and His Source of Inspiration in the Industry
When it comes to stereotypes, Mr. Dellei believes that one must not allow them to shape his/her life. According to him, success comes from different sources and at different times to everybody. That’s why one must never give up on his/her dreams merely because they couldn’t fit into a stereotype. “The world goes forward because people are willing to think unconventionally, outside the box, thus igniting creativity and innovation. Without these aspects, the world would be a poorer
“For those who look up to us, we usually convey the basic principles of Kerubiel: resilience, open-mindedness, and lifelong learning. We consider technology as an opportunity for further improvement that might shape our services as well as the operations of the clients.”
How Mr. Dellei Ensures the Satisfaction of his Employees
At Kerubiel, employees are treated as exceptional experts in their respective fields. They are frequently encouraged to grasp practical as well as theoretical knowledge whenever they can.
The company firmly believes in pushing its employees to take initiatives and take active participation in all of its conferences as well as training.
Mr. Dellei on the importance of R&D
According to Mr. Dellei, an IT-based company should never neglect the importance of R&D as it thrives on innovation. “Technology-based applications house both, the potential to improve the operations and security of IT, and information systems and the threat to disrupt such infrastructures. For instance, AI-based privacy enhancement and security applications are available in the market. On the other hand, AI is exploited by cybercriminals to override conventional security measures. Thus, a company providing services in these fields has no other option but to constantly research, develop, and utilize such technologies.” He stated.
Last year, the company pushed its R&D department to stay updated with all the latest industry trends. As of lately, the company has also been taking active participation in numerous R&D projects on emerging technologies like AI and VR. One of the projects the company is involved in aims at simplifying cybersecurity by adopting an advanced AI-based solution. Another such project is focused on a VR-based health app that offers assistance to stroke patients.
Being a member of the Hungarian AI Community, the company keeps itself engrossed in R&D with the intent to always come up with innovative and efficient technologies.
Mr. Dellei on Entrepreneurial Participation in Today’s times
Mr. Dellei believes that the entrepreneurial participation evident in today’s times is based on mutual assistance, innovative solutions, and shared knowledge.
The competitive environment encourages entrepreneurs to be creative, thereby strengthening the resilience of the economy.
Mr. Dellei’s Future Plans for Kerubiel
When it comes to Kerubiel’s plans for the future, Mr. Dellei wishes to make R&D a central part of the company’s operations. As Hungary has recently adopted its first modern AI strategy, the company’s main focus will be on AI and other related research projects.
Through Kerubiel, Mr. Dellei also aspires to establish fruitful connections with various experts in other fields. With this, he is hopeful that the company will bag national as well as international projects, thereby making an impact on a regional level. “Hopefully, our fresh and innovative, yet professional approach provides an opportunity to Kerubiel to become one of the most innovative leading company providing counseling to its clients in the CEE region.” He stated.
Mr. Dellei’s Message to Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Every aspiring entrepreneur needs some words of encouragement on a timely basis. Having been in the industry for nearly two decades, Mr. Laszlo Dellei has acquired some profound wisdom that he’d like to impart to young entrepreneurs. Here’s what he has to say, “ At Kerubiel, we believe that patience is of utmost importance for a successful company. Success is not immediate. It comes in time if the company works hard to achieve the goals set out in a well-defined strategy. Even if you have found the right way, minor setbacks are always waiting for you. If you overcome them and you clearly show the path for others, especially your employees, you will experience success.”